Monday, July 4, 2011

Mamma Mia - Here we go again!

Friday was the end of a very long, tiring, amazing, productive, life-changing week! I will not be the same educator or person after this experience, I can already tell.

Saturday was pretty uneventful. I slept in, we went to PetCo and the grocery store, watched Black Death, and hung out. 

Sunday morning Mark and I went for a run (3.35mi, 38min) and it was great, but soooo humid. I am so out of shape, I haven't been out for a good run in months. Later that afternoon I went out on my own for a while and ran to Wal-Mart and Target. We had tickets for Mamma Mia at Wolf Trap. Wolf Trap is a Performing Arts National Park that used to be private property! First we went to Ovations, which is an outdoor restaurant on the grounds. It was excellent, and the view, as you can see below, was spectacular. The best part of the dinner was that a thunderstorm came rolling in any faster than anyone could have anticipated and all the men (waiters and guests) in the establishment scrambled to close up the tent as it began to completely downpour. It was fantastic. The food was really good and we had a nice time. 

After dinner we went to the Encore Circle where they had more food and drinks available to the members (Yep, members only!). Of course we weren't hungry, but it was fun to sit and feel important! ;) The show was at 8:00pm so a little bit before we went down to find out seats. Mark had said he had only been able to get last minute tickets, so while we would be able to see, they weren't great seats. Here's a picture of the Filene Center (the blue area is the stage):

However, he was just kidding, and "not great seats" turned into second row, center! The show was amazing, I could not have asked for anything better. I had never seen it, never seen the movie, was only vaguely aware of even the basic premise, etc. So it was amazing. Afterwards I picked up a present for each of the kids (stuffed "Wolfy" animals) and we went back to the Encore Circle with a Canadian officer and his wife.

We got back home and I sat up until 3am watching The Bachelorette (which I had never really seen before). Super.

No big plans for today (4th) despite being in the DC area. Mark has his own fireworks that I'm really looking forward to and we are going to go to a nursery (plants, not kids) and to Dairy Queen pretty soon. I really need to start getting more school work done after this long weekend. I've taken my break, and now it's time to really focus on not only my C-SPAN work, but my school work. I haven't even started planning my 2 new electives for this year! If anyone has any materials for Ancient World History or a Geography class that is more than just countries and cultures (I really want to look into global issues, instead) let me know!

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