Now I know you are all dying to find out who my big celebrity is for the day, but you have to read about the rest of my day first. Today was not overly productive in terms of actual work. I did come in early to get my time line done, which you should be able to see in a previous post. I got through the entire history section of the library, so that was great. It felt good to get through that. It was really interesting to look at the frequency of videos on certain events, where the gaps fell, and will be soooo helpful to have the clips organized in chronological order.
The reason today wasn't super productive was because it was tour day. At 9:25 we met the interns in the lobby and went to the Supreme Court. It was a great tour; short and sweet. It was really interesting, and we got to actually sit in the court room while she did her presentation. We then watched a short 24-minute video produced by none other than C-SPAN! The spiral staircase was amazing, the marble is amazing, the whole building is fantastic. You aren't allowed to take pictures in the court room, but here is the one I took from the hallway:
Public shame for the day: Sharing this photo ;)
After the Supreme Court we went back and worked for about an hour before going out again. Instead of doing lunch, we fellows decided to grab a hot dog from a cart out front and eat on the train on the way to the American History Museum! It was great - we only had about 30 minutes, but I was able to see the First Lady exhibit (and Michelle Obama's Jimmy Choos) and the immigrant exhibit before hitting the gift shop and getting a couple of great items there.
From the museum we ran straight back to C-SPAN where we met the fabulous Rick Stoddard, who gave us an amazing tour of the Capitol.
Since I couldn't take a picture in the current Supreme Court room I took one in the old Supreme Court room.
It was at the Capitol where I had my big celebrity (ish) moment. Ready? Really ready? Okay. We're standing in the old House chambers and all of the sudden all these cops come out and split the crowd. We're thinking okay, cool, House leadership. Then a hush falls over the crowd. Out of the hallway comes none other than (I know it's a little blurry)........................................
Yes folks, it was the Dalai Lama. How cool is that? Pretty much the coolest thing ever. I know. Here's his entourage:
So then we got back to C-SPAN and I stayed late with Pam stuffing name tags for the Educator Conference next week. Afterwards Pam, Mary Sue, and I went down to a restaurant on the ground floor of the building for drinks and dinner. I was able to catch a late train home, and here I am. Sharing my awesome story with you. I can't believe today is the half-way point of my trip away from home. Tomorrow is the half-way point at C-SPAN. It is all going by way too quickly. I wish I could stay and work another month! I honestly can't tell you what an amazing environment C-SPAN is to work in. Everyone is so amazing at what they do, and so passionate. It is amazing, I can't wait to see what the next couple of weeks bring!
I saw the Dalai Lama speak at UNI when he was there; he is nothing else except extremely awesome. Nice catch. :)